About me


A community platform for old and young people with the aim of connecting generations and to reduce loneliness in old age.


About the Project

moqui is a community platform that represents a possible solution against loneliness in old age. Within groups, people with common interests from different ages can join together to form a community. This allows a cross-generational exchange of knowledge. By participating in events, the elderly in our society are given the opportunity to become active and feel less lonely. Everyone is an essential part of our social structure throughout their lives and should never feel like they are obsolete. The project was created during my studies.


Tools: Figma, miro, Notion

Time: October 2022 - January 2023

Semester: 7

Lean UX

In the course we were able to learn to work according to the principles of Lean UX. We were allowed to choose a topic ourselves to be able to experience the approach practically. We brainstormed and decided to develop a solution for loneliness in old age. In Germany, an estimated 8 million elderly people live in loneliness. This is a very important aspect that is often forgotten and could affect anyone at some point.

As a tool to apply the Lean UX approach in our project, we used the Lean UX Canvas according to Jeff Gothelf.

The Problem

Many current offers for older people to reduce loneliness in old age require proactivity from them. At the beginning of the project we assumed that proactivity is a hurdle that these people do not like to jump over. Therefore, we initially focused on coming up with solutions that do not require proactivity.

🔍 In the later course of the project, however, we would discover in interviews and a survey that the big problem is not the proactivity of taking part in offers against loneliness, but the feeling of not wanting to be a burden to anyone.

The Users

The target group for our solution consists of people who suffer from loneliness in old age. Therefore, we set Helga Müller as the primary persona to represent the elderly who are affected by loneliness. As secondary or served persona we have defined Julia Müller, who is the daughter of Helga Müller. She represents the group of relatives of lonely, elderly people and is indirectly affected by her mother's problem.

Persona Helga Müller
Photo is taken from unsplash
Persona Julia Müller
Photo is taken from unsplash

Developing the Solution

To generate as many ideas as possible, we performed the Design Studio Method. The goal is to transform all of the sketched ideas into one solution.

Design Studio

In the end, however, we had so many different ideas that we were unable to merge them. These were, for example:

  • an agency that organises activities for the elderly
  • a telephone service that calls the lonely people on a daily basis
  • speed-dating for the elderly (which we called slow-dating)
  • a pet rental for the elderly
  • participation in a kindergarten to help the caregivers
  • a mentoring programme for young people
  • ...

❌ We got to the point where we didn't know what our MVP was going to be. So we took a short break and thought about how to get out of this situation. We noticed that we were not able to empathize enough with the elderly, so we decided to get more information through a survey - even though this is not intended in the Lean UX approach at this stage in the process.

The Survey

We posted the survey in online forums targeting people over 60. We were interested in, for instance, what technical devices the elderly own, what activities they engage in in their everyday lives, and what they do when they feel lonely. We were also able to conduct a personal interview with one elderly lady.

We were surprised at how tech-savvy the older people are: Most people own either a smartphone or a laptop. The oldest person in our survey was 93 years old! Some of the people surveyed actually stated that they often feel lonely. Reasons included the death of a spouse, local seclusion to their family, or even illness.

The mentioned activities in everyday life were very diverse. One aspect, however, had caught our attention: Many of the older persons stated that they would like to have more contact with younger people, as they feel somewhat excluded from society.

A Second Survey

To explore this aspect in more detail, we created another survey - but this time for younger people. We wanted to find out if younger people are open to spending their time with (lonely) older people in our society. In addition, we wanted to know what obstacles exist to establishing contact with older people and what reasons could speak for and against the idea.

The majority of people surveyed were very receptive to spending their time with the elderly. Based on this information, we decided not only to develop a solution that would connect generations, on the one hand to combat the problems of loneliness and exclusion from society, but also on the other hand to give young people the opportunity to interact with older generations and learn from their life experiences!

💡 The two surveys were really a game changer for us. With Lean UX, the first contact with users actually happens after the MVP is created, which is based on assumptions. However, since we ourselves were not part of the target group of older people, it was particularly difficult for us to create a digital solution that would meet the needs of lonely, elderly people.

Back to the Users

It was now necessary to adapt our personas and expand them to include young people. In the case of Helga Müller, we have added further details (in orange) that we were able to find out through the survey and the personal interview.

Persona Helga Müller
Photo is taken from unsplash
Persona Hannah Fischer
Photo is taken from mobil.nrw

moqui 1.0

The second time we ran the Design Studio method, all three of us had the same idea: a platform where young and older people could sign up and connect with each other based on common interests. Now that we were sure what we wanted moqui to be, we could finally start creating our MVP.

After our solution in form of a prototype was ready, we could finally start testing. The Lean UX approach includes weekly testings, which allows the MVP to be improved step by step through user feedback. In total, we were able to test our prototype with five people - both old and young. Below are some statements from the people interviewed:

"moqui reminds me of Bumble or Tinder. Because of the profiles and the possibility to search for other people. It's kind of awkward."

"Has similarities to a matchmaker."

"I would prefer to meet in the safe zone of a group, not in a dating exchange-style."

"It is not clear what advantage moqui offers. Information explaining moqui is missing at the beginning."

The feedback made us realize that we need to revise our idea again to avoid the impression of a dating agency. There were also some concerns about revealing contact details directly.

moqui 2.0

The revision of our MVP resulted in moqui 2.0. We shifted the focus of our new prototype away from individuals to groups. We paid attention to the following aspects:

  • less focus on individuals -> no longer Tinder-like
  • focus on group interactions -> keeping entry barriers low
  • new: events -> easily accessible connection points for new members
  • involve moqui employees -> building trust

💻 When we designed moqui 1.0, we had a website in mind because the older participants in our survey have either smartphones or laptops. However, we had received advice that older people might be able to use digital applications better with tablet computers due to the natural interaction with their hands. We tested this and indeed the elderly preferred the tablet PC compared to the laptop. Therefore, we decided to optimize moqui 2.0 for tablet devices.

We were able to test the second version of moqui with two people - one young and one older person. A few statements from the tests are shown below:

"When private individuals open a group, background information on the person is desirable. Otherwise it could be fake."

"moqui is a good idea. I see the solution especially for coming generations of older people."

"Organized by moqui / Privately organized labels are good thought, especially for seniors who may be a bit more cautious, or generally for people with security concerns."

Through the tests we could find out that we were on the right track with moqui 2.0 and we were able to improve our solution compared to the first version. This allowed us to focus on the design.

The Design

When determining the colors for moqui, it was important to us to be appealing to young and older people at the same time. Therefore, we selected color tones that should appear harmonious, somewhat reduced, but not boring.

moqui Color Palette

As typography for moqui, we wanted to combine a serif font with a sans serif font to bridge the gap between classic and modern - as a metaphor for moqui, whose aim is to connect the generations. We chose Sentient for the headlines and Satoshi for the body text.

moqui Typography

Our next step was to create a small design system in Figma, which allowed us to work consistently on our screens. We also had the idea to create shapes that looked like stones - as a reference to the moqui-marble stones.

moqui Visual Design

Once we had defined our design language, we were able to start working on our final prototype.

The Final Version

Important points for the test persons that we included in our final prototype were a start screen explaining moqui, privacy settings for all personal information and an indication of the average age of a group.

moqui Start Screen

Unlike the lo-fi prototype of moqui 2.0, we had again adopted the progress indicator present in moqui 1.0 into our final version. It was our goal not to overwhelm the user with too much information per screen.


Interesting topics

The topic of data protection and not knowing what information is ultimately visible in the profile was a big issue, especially for the older people. Therefore, we integrated the setting of the visibility of the data right next to the input of the data.

Personal data
Boxes with a gray background cannot be customized. For the other privacy settings, you can choose between the options visible and only visible to moqui.

About you
In the previous version, the free text field "About you" was still in the same screen as the rest of the personal data. However, since there was too much data to enter, we put this in an extra step.

We took special care to ensure that all interactive elements were sufficiently large and that all texts were easy to read, so that older people in particular, who might suffer from motor difficulties or poor eyesight, would have no problems using the app. However, all users naturally benefit from accessibility.

In the previous version, we didn't have a way to switch between events and groups in the Discover section of the app. We solved this by putting both categories in tabs.

Detail group joined

We also started to create an analog version of moqui. Our idea was to make contact forms available in places where older, lonely people spend time, such as a supermarket, a pharmacy or the waiting room of a doctor's office. By sending the completed form to moqui via mail, interested people can then be informed about events or pen pals.

😞 Unfortunately, at the end of the project we no longer had the opportunity to test our analog version for acceptance and usability. Overall, we had "lost" a lot of time due to the bumpy initial phase, in which we had difficulties defining a common idea of moqui, which meant that we were not able to conduct as many testing rounds as we would have liked.


It was a very interesting and educational experience to work on a project following the Lean UX approach. I really liked the idea of creating an MVP very quickly, which is shaped into a user-centric product over several weeks through regular contact with the user groups.

However, we felt that we were missing a research phase, especially in the beginning, where we could learn more about the requirements and needs of the users. That's why we had done the surveys early on. We suspected that the Lean UX approach was not necessarily the right approach given the complexity of our problem.

But what we came to appreciate was that Lean UX makes it possible to optimize a product very quickly. At some point, we only had individual screens evaluated in testings and not always the entire application. This helped us a lot to create a digital prototype that we are very proud of in the end.